NOSQL Database and Pipeline tool


  • Kafka is a data pipeline tool.
  • Zookeeper is needed before installing Kafka as its a cluster coordinator.
  • Kafka stores all metadata information in zookeeper.


  • CAP is not possible at a time in NOSQL databases.
  • Products like Facebook, Instagram achieves CAP by using multiple databases.
  • CA is not possible at a time because of partition.
  • In RDBMS no replication is present so CA is achieved.
  • Ex: Hbase, MongoDB, Cassandra
  • Datastores
    • Keyvalue Datastore(Reddis)
    • ColumnOriented Datastore(Hbase, Cassandra)
    • DocumentOriented Datastore(MongoDB)
    • Graph Datastore(Neo4j)
  • Hbase is used for internal operations
    • Lookup(veryfast)
    • upset(insert+update)


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