YARN(Yet Another Resource Negotation)


About Yarn

  • It's a cluster manager that supports common execution.
  • Resource Manager(JT) and Node Manager(TT) are responsible for it's functionality.
  • It is introduced in Hadoop-2
  • The components like Spark can run individually without Yarn Also.

Functionality of Yarn

  • Application Manager is a combination of Scheduler and Resource Manager.
  • Application Master acts between Resource Manager and Data Node.
  • For every jar the Resource Manager starts new Application Master
  • There would be more than one Resource Manager(Active and Passive)
  • When the job is submitted to the Application Manager then it sends the information to application master and the data node starts the mapper task and when it's done reducer task starts.
  • When reducer job is done the Application master sends the final heartbeat to the Application Manager.
  • If there is more than one jar is submitted then new Resource Manager is started.
  • If Application Master is failed then new Application Master Would be started and job is restarted in the replicated Node.
  • command to submit jar
    • hadoop jar /myjar.jar /input.txt /output_folder_1


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